Our Ethics
As a company Bombs and Bubbles Galore strive to be as eco-friendly and ethical as possible. Honestly, this can be harder than it sounds but I do what I can when I can.
All our products are made with the most natural ingredients you can get and the products are all sourced as locally as possible. The products themselves are all handmade in the UK and none of the products are tested on animals and the basic ingredients haven't been either - not since 1967!
Some of the products will come wrapped - this is not shrink wrap it is Biolefin, a biodegradable type of wrap which breaks down 90% faster than regular shrink wrap. Our glitters are bio-glitter which is actually derived from seaweed and is fully biodegradable. The packing peanuts I use in your deliveries are all made from starch and even the boxes you get your orders in are either recycled from my own deliveries or are from my suppliers who make new boxes from recycled cardboard. I don't like to think I am generating more waste than needed - even our rabbit gets broken down boxes to play with!
We add no plastics to our products and only use bubblewrap when we think it is necessary to do so in your parcels.
I work closely with companies that also hold these same beliefs and I strive to keep on top of such matters myself.